Today was quite a random day. I woke up to the sound of my grand-uncle ringing the doorbell of my house to pay a visit. Obviously, I didn't want him to see me sleeping like a pig, so I immediately woke up, brushed my teeth, and washed my face. Honestly, I was still yawning and tired as hell since I played games with my phone before I went to bed (I slept at 3AM last night). Well, he came over surprisingly early (9:30) to fix the ceiling and I had to help out by carrying some repair stuff to aid them in fixing. Honestly, I didn't fix the ceiling much at all. I just pointed the flashlight at the hole and my grandpa and grand-uncle put more plaster to fill the hole. I was expecting something much cooler, but hey, it was hot. Doing anything crazy in that heat had to mean that you were crazy too. When done, I went outside to buy Dim Sum since we like to treat our guests well, so I went to the Ho Wong restaurant near my house and bought the dishes. THE FOOD WAS HORRIBLE. Honestly, if they weren't so close and I was in a rush to buy the food, I would've gotten it from another restaurant because the food was really badly prepared (and wasn't cheap either). Luckily, my neighborhood has a bunch of bakeries, so I bought some milk tea for everyone to help with the bad food. Well, Janus also asked me to write a blog before she woke up, so I did! It was a very short blog that fulfilled it's purpose (and made her laugh too).
For the rest of the afternoon - I spent time trying to repair a workstation I salvaged from Columbia last year (they threw it out). Unfortunately, some other people came to the computers before me and took some important parts, but I took one of the many computers there home. As they say, one man's trash is another man's treasure, right? So, I had spare parts at home and managed to fix MOST of the computers. I'm still missing some parts though. I think I'll still need to spend about another $100 to fix/upgrade it. Realizing that I should buy it in the future when I get more money, I went back outside to return a book. On the way back, I went to McDonalds to buy an ice cream cone - but they ran out. REALLY?!?! A McDonalds without ice cream is bad! It's the only reason why I like McDonalds! Well, there goes my local fast food restaurant.
At night is probably one of my most relaxing times. I listen to music to enjoy the calm night while studying and chatting away with friends. Queeny's birthday is coming up and Helen and her friends decided to pool money to buy an expensive gift. Of course, I joined in too. The gift is an Ice Cream Machine, and we got a list of recipes to make ice cream. Personally, I want to make this: It is the ice cream from my most favorite game, Kingdom Hearts. I really want to try it and I heard it's pretty good. Because of this, I also managed to talk to Ruixin, a really close friend I haven't talked to in a while. She's a really hardworking girl who I really admire for her efforts. Nevertheless, the chance of talking to her is pretty rare, even in the summer because she's just a really busy person.
And of course, I studied C++ near midnight. I don't need to know it now, but I need to learn it next semester, so studying ahead will help me program better so I can get better grades. Besides, I find C++ to be really fun to program. Also, my other friends are planning to have BBQ in celebration of someone I know coming back to the USA. He went on a trip to Peru as an intern, so I can't wait to hear his experiences. Well, it's late. Really late. Goodnite and hope for a better tomorrow!
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