Today was an interesting and fun day. I counted pennies to pay back for Helen because she bought the gift for us to all chip in. So, I ended up shoving her 840 pennies. Well, I arrived at the party today late. Why? Well, I was lazy to buy a card yesterday so I bought one today - last minute. Weeell, it sorta worked out. I bought the card (took me 10 minutes to choose it) and took me half an hour to write it. I only expected to take 10 minutes to write it, but I guess I wrote a lot (and messily too). So I ended up walking a LONG distance in the sun today - it was really hot.
So once I arrived, I set down my stuff and watched the Pixar movie, Wall-e. Watching it again was sooo cuute! Robot love, lol. Then we watched Kung-Fu Hustle. It was pretty funny too and now that I watch it again when I'm older, I realized a lot of stuff as well. The best part of the party? FOOD. Queeny's family made a TON of food and it was really good, especially the BBQ chicken wings. So we all pigged out; afterwards, ate cookies took photos, and played the card, Apples to Apples. It was pretty fun playing as a large group. We then ate pizza and then the cake. Yup, I ate a lot today, so I have to burn all that fat somehow. Hmm, maybe I should bike longer and play better at tennis next time to make up for all the food I ate today, lmao!
Saw your 840 pennies. It's really huge amount of pennies!!!