Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sakura Matsuri at Brooklyn Botanical Garden

So many things have happened this week. For one, Sakura Matsuri was fuuuunn! Prior to going, I ate dim sum with my family and had a fret with them on going (because my family dislike the Japanese and their culture ever since the Nanjing Massacre), but I managed to get permission go after acting naive. Besides, I was 19 and could decide stuff for myself, so I went. I also tried inviting Helen and Henry, but for the first time, they both passed - mainly because there was a $10 admissions fee. In other words, I went alone. However, all wasn't too bad because I met a bunch of acquaintances with a Brooklyn College ID and we managed to get free entrance like people with membership status. And thus, I took a few photos of everyone there and traveled by myself for photos and for the festivities in the air. Never have I felt New York City so active and so happy for such a long time since 9/11.

Inside, people swarmed everywhere to add to the festivities and although I missed the Taiko Drumming, I went to see a performance by 10tecomai and it was PURELY AMAZING. When they told us that it was a traditional dance, I first thought of a slow, folk dance but it ending up being something like fast-paced choreography with old and spiritual music. It was a BLAST. In addition, I met this guy named Tee Torres. He was this white-spanish guy who claimed to be a teacher from China, so I learned from him. Unfortunately, he was a good liar (and very social too), so I couldn't fully trust him on everything, but he seems safe and just wants a talk. And regarding the festival, there were quite a lot of cosplays too (including the fattest cosplayer I've ever seen in my life, but lets not talk about that).
Here are some photos!

So some side news this weekend, Prince William and Kate of England had a glorious and beautiful marriage on saturday and Osama Bin Laden was killed by the US Navy SEALS this Sunday. As my friend, Kavita, said, "It's a Disney weekend. A prince got married and a bad guy got killed"

(^.^)v      -Ron

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