Monday, April 9, 2012

The week of April 1- April 8th

So I'll so something I haven't done on this blog yet - do a weekly blog. First off, Happy Belated April Fools. I don't have an april fools prank on you, so I'm sorry, but Google did a nice one of pushing Google maps to the SNES. In fact, they even allowed an 8bit version of Google maps on the PC. It was amazing. 

Then, I went to Anthony's house to hang out with my Stony Brook friends. I came late to the party (despite cutting a class), but we still had fun. Here's a few pictures:

We even ate japanese food (udon, takoyaki, and oyomnaki) on that friday with Eva, Yu, Shelly, Helen, and Rose. It was a Good Friday indeed :) And that Sunday, Yu and Henry came to my house to play games (we ate japanese food - bento lunches). Yu then had to leave since his spring break was over but it was worth it. 

I'd also note that this was the week when I met a girl that I had liked on the N train. She was REALLY cuuute. She was a brunette and had a small braid on each side of her head in front of her ears. 

My grandma and her nosebleed.

Yesterday, my grandma had a severe nosebleed. She said she picked her nose and then blood started spewing out like a waterfall. It was scary!! Immediately I went online to search for ways to stop the bleeding and then found this site that suggested me to apply pressure by pinching the nose together. It also suggested me to have her lean forward so she wouldn't choke from the blood (but she didn't listen until the end). Thank god everything is alright as the blood clotted. I think she lost approximately 2 cups of blood. Even the mop became reddish/brown as we wiped the bloody floor from where she sat.

This morning, her nose bled again, but not as severe. I think the dry weather is the huge culprit here causing this huge mess. She went to the doctor today - I hope all is well.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

First post of 2012

First, I want to say, thank you for keep watch over this blog (after I've been afk for so long), and second, Happy New Year! Should I really say Happy New Year? It's March already, so, it's very late. Even Chinese New Year is past due. Wow, so much has happened since the summer, I don't know how I can condense this into one post. First off, my GPA has stabilized some more, but still decreasing. A bit of improvement though. Megaupload also went down this year because of US anti-piracy laws. I've became so sad ever since because I've used to watch all my anime's from there. Furthermore, many other filesharing sites stopped their services as well. Well, at least I feel more motivated to continue on with college.

For more happy news, I also got an interview for a paid summer internship - I hope I get in. I also went to Spring Festival New York ( and had a lot of fun volunteering there. In fact, I even met a new friend named Sami. She was such a young girl and I wanted to tell her a lot of stuff but alas, the day was short. Still, it's nice to talk to someone after such a long time of stress. I honestly can't wait for the summer to come this year so I can go out and play with friends again - until then, I must focus more on college and my classes. I have a lot of pictures to post, but there's too many so I'll just leave this post alone. I'm also planning to go to Sakura Matsuri once more this year  at the Brooklyn Botanical, so expect to see some beautiful flowers in the upcoming posts!


Monday, August 29, 2011

A Week Before my Fall 2011

A ton has happened this summer, yes indeed. Well, enough with the yoda talk. Ignoring the usual, I met a new girl (kinda cute) at prospect park, hung out with her some more. At the dragon boat festival - sadly lost my headphones and I lost my new tennis visor. Guess I'll have to buy new ones to replace those. Also, ruixin's birthday was this summer (August 23rd, actually) and it was pretty awesome - me and my friends got her a dorm set and baked a coffee cake. We then gave her the gift and cake while eating at Wonjo restaurant in Korean Town. In addition, we ate in Manhattan that day and strolled around. It was fun meeting with my Brooklyn Tech friends before the majority of them left for college again. The following day (August 24th) was my mom's birthday. We ate an awesome dinner and had a delicious ice cream cake (yummy). I managed to drag more friends for tennis and got closer to my other friends. It was an awesome summer. Also, I spent most of my day studying and doing various other forms of entertainment (hanging out, Starcraft II, finding music, playing games,etc). I feel kinda unproductive, especially since I don't have a job, but oh well. I'll plan things out more thoroughly next summer.
So I also tried to get closer to this new girl I met (with some success). I'm interested in her and I think the same follows suit on her end. On the first day we met (prospect park, it was awkward. After meeting up some more, we biked together, then hung out in Manhattan, then the Bronx Zoo. The zoo was tiring but really fun and well worth it (and met a new friend as well as got to know an acquaintance too. An then we both bought two red panda plushes. It feels like a destined pair, and they're so adorable! (yes, a guy just said a plushie was adorable, but it really is). Today, I just played tennis, joked around with her and hung out. It was fairly fun. I really do miss the summer days. I would post pictures but there's too many to post, with it.


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Prospect Park Fun

Today was a fun day - about twenty people gathered together to create a barbecue event, where we all had fun, such as spraying each other with water guns, playing twister, playing scrabble. We started off cooking hot dogs, then bacon, then chicken wings and then many other stuff. It was delicious! Well, I brought the Panda speaker today and it was really useful - it ended up running all day on batteries, but at least we had music. I also brought a lunch box and chopsticks but didn't find it necessary. I feel like an idiot for carrying so much extra stuff. Furthermore, not much people ate the pasta, so it went into the trash can. A little wasted but whatever. I also bought 5 gallons of water and some chicken drumsticks but by then, we had too much food so it didn't get cooked. So, I came on by train with Cherie. It seemed awkward since we rarely talked together, nevertheless we walked and rode the train together. It just feels weird being alone with a girl, you know? But then again, we both were tired and got back safely. I was probably the most tired of them all since I stood up/walked the whole day at the duration while I was at the park, so my legs were completely dead. Still fun though! We then had fried chicken for dinner. Looks like things are getting bad for my canker sore, but at least I had good food! Hehehe. Well, I'm heading to sleep slightly earlier today because I'm really sleepy and tired. Ciao!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A really hot week of...boredom

This past week was really bad, soaring to 95 degrees Fahrenheit and above. Lucky, I just got my AC installed today, so it was sweaty but worth it. Today, my friends came over to watch X-Men, First Class. I mean, I watched it by myself before, but watching it with friends was much better and more fun. I also had the remaining parts of the harry potter series, but they didn't want to watch it. Oh wells. I also wanted to buy an ice cream cake to eat with my family but dang, Baskin 31 Robins make expensive cakes!!  I think I'm going to prepare for the BBQ on Saturday by making food. Man, it's going to be hot. I wonder how it's like in HK nowadays.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Queeny's 19th birthday

Today was an interesting and fun day. I counted pennies to pay back for Helen because she bought the gift for us to all chip in. So, I ended up shoving her 840 pennies. Well, I arrived at the party today late. Why? Well, I was lazy to buy a card yesterday so I bought one today - last minute. Weeell, it sorta worked out. I bought the card (took me 10 minutes to choose it) and took me half an hour to write it. I only expected to take 10 minutes to write it, but I guess I wrote a lot (and messily too). So I ended up walking a LONG distance in the sun today - it was really hot.

So once I arrived, I set down my stuff and watched the Pixar movie, Wall-e. Watching it again was sooo cuute! Robot love, lol. Then we watched Kung-Fu Hustle. It was pretty funny too and now that I watch it again when I'm older, I realized a lot of stuff as well. The best part of the party? FOOD. Queeny's family made a TON of food and it was really good, especially the BBQ chicken wings. So we all pigged out; afterwards, ate cookies took photos, and played the card, Apples to Apples. It was pretty fun playing as a large group. We then ate pizza and then the cake. Yup, I ate a lot today, so I have to burn all that fat somehow. Hmm, maybe I should bike longer and play better at tennis next time to make up for all the food I ate today, lmao!

Friday, July 15, 2011

A day wasted on ice cream (again).

So I'll start off with yesterday, since that's all I can really remember. I was playing games the whole day while studying. Yes, that's pretty much all I did (and help cook dinner). What game? Cities in Motion. It was a fun game, but I was frustrated because I kept losing money in that game. Basically, you're the manager of the commuting system for a city and you're supposed to make money. After spending the WHOLE day trying to make money, I failed miserably. Only when I borrowed A LOT did I end up making money to maintain the city transportation. It was harrrd. But fun. Simulation games are always fun, especially business ones.

So today, I helped fix the windows of my house and then went to Yu's house to make more ice cream. Yes, MORE. Last time, we failed because our green tea ice cream had a bad recipe - yes, those idiots actually used REAL green tea leaves (and the teabag ones) instead of the matcha green tea. It ended up being really sweet and tasting like milk tea than green tea. Milk tea ice cream...that's a new one in America. So, we spent the whole day following recipes, playing a little games, eating noodles at a Japanese restaurant (it wasn't that good) and shopping for more ingredients. That was seriously the whole day. Speaking of which, I still need to buy a birthday card for a friend of mine since her birthday tomorrow. That's a lot to write about, since I write a lot.

I also found my lost battery so yipee! I still am sad for my lost pair of headphones though. Also, Janus showed me pictures of the Harry potter event at HK. It looked cool - I'm jealous. But at least she looked pretty in those pics (and sexy wearing that uniform, hehe)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Another (few) Day(s) Gone~

Today had gone by fast and so had the other two days. You've probably wondered why I've stopped the posts for several days - well, I was really mad at myself. I lost my expensive headphones and my phone battery - a worth of $140 USD retail. Just those two items..and they're small too. I tried finding them and finding them but couldn't. It's really been bad luck (in addition to my mom blaming me for everything I didn't do). Well, at least Saturday was fun with tennis. Today, I also went to Yu's house to test out the ice cream machine Helen bought for Queeny's birthday. Well, it didn't go as planned. Helen forgot to read the instructions beforehand and that messed up the whole day because we were supposed to freeze the machine's bowl for 18 hours. Because of that, the liquid solution didn't freeze and turn to ice cream. It was a wasted day but at least fun. We also ate Japanese food at Fugu Sushi! I wouldn't say it's wonderful but it's pretty good (but again, expensive). Well, I ordered another pair of headphones from Amazon - this time slightly more expensive. I will protect it with my life this time so I won't lose it. ( As for the battery...I want to buy another replacement but don't have the money to. However, I'm thinking of buying this, if I do:

Well, there went my typical 3 days. They fly by FAST.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Back to NYU Poly for a day. Got a lot of things done.

Today I went back to NYU Poly to take care of financial aid and to study a bit. It was interesting. The school library was virtually empty so I had a whole room to myself. Yay! Inside, I just chilled and studied. Of course, I allocated some time to do other stuff, such as installing the Visual Novel, Rewrite (which I bought from Japan imported) and talking to friends via facebook. Overall, I thought it was a pretty productive day in a cool air conditioned environment. I also went to ask about financial aid. Well, things weren't better than planned because I didn't get as much financial aid as I hoped, but I still had enough. A TINY bit more than last year. Honestly though, it would've been a lot better if I had more governmental assistance. Even work study opportunities were all given out. Maybe I should start applying for private scholarships? Sounds hard and competitive but it's a start. But then, my GPA is wrecked, so I don't know. But at least I got it done. The only bad side of today: there was a damn fire drill. Really? The only one day I go to poly in the summer, I get kicked out of the library for an hour for fire drill.

I also went to the new restaurant near the school today, "Five Guys". It was delicious but expensive. The price of a typical meal costs $16 USD, almost priced like that at a fancy restaurant in Manhattan. Luckily, the food was really good and fresh (organic too, I would say). I personally would say it's worth the value but for it's price, I can't afford to eat this on a common basis since I'm a college student.
Also, my mom saw my talking to Janus on AIM again and yelled at me. She said I'm "dating a girl who is not a USA citizen." It's true that Janus is not a US citizen and that she wants to be, but I trust her enough to not marry me for just that purpose. So if Janus really wants to marry me, she should  become a US citizen first. Then I can prove my mom wrong, lol. Even if I don't do it for my mom, I'll want to do that for myself. I wish for a future wife who can work independent and not rely solely on me for the whole family.