Monday, April 9, 2012

The week of April 1- April 8th

So I'll so something I haven't done on this blog yet - do a weekly blog. First off, Happy Belated April Fools. I don't have an april fools prank on you, so I'm sorry, but Google did a nice one of pushing Google maps to the SNES. In fact, they even allowed an 8bit version of Google maps on the PC. It was amazing. 

Then, I went to Anthony's house to hang out with my Stony Brook friends. I came late to the party (despite cutting a class), but we still had fun. Here's a few pictures:

We even ate japanese food (udon, takoyaki, and oyomnaki) on that friday with Eva, Yu, Shelly, Helen, and Rose. It was a Good Friday indeed :) And that Sunday, Yu and Henry came to my house to play games (we ate japanese food - bento lunches). Yu then had to leave since his spring break was over but it was worth it. 

I'd also note that this was the week when I met a girl that I had liked on the N train. She was REALLY cuuute. She was a brunette and had a small braid on each side of her head in front of her ears. 

My grandma and her nosebleed.

Yesterday, my grandma had a severe nosebleed. She said she picked her nose and then blood started spewing out like a waterfall. It was scary!! Immediately I went online to search for ways to stop the bleeding and then found this site that suggested me to apply pressure by pinching the nose together. It also suggested me to have her lean forward so she wouldn't choke from the blood (but she didn't listen until the end). Thank god everything is alright as the blood clotted. I think she lost approximately 2 cups of blood. Even the mop became reddish/brown as we wiped the bloody floor from where she sat.

This morning, her nose bled again, but not as severe. I think the dry weather is the huge culprit here causing this huge mess. She went to the doctor today - I hope all is well.